Monday, April 27, 2009

Swine Flu Thoughts

So the buzz word of the day is "SWINE FLU". OK so while serious and I would not want anyone to catch this shit, it does however pose a few questions and a few statements which may be off color but are funny. So this is not in no way meant to offend folks who have it or have had it or if you know someone that had it. So take it at face value. There. With that said. I did come across this article on how to protect yourself from the Swine Flu. The source is unknown but i like where they are going with this. It seems to me that I should follow it and you too should see if it makes sense to you.

"You can take the doctor’s office approach. Think about it, when you go for a shot, what do they do first? Clean your arm with alcohol.. Why? Because alcohol kills germs. So…… I put on my mask, walk to the liquor store (exercise), I put lime in my Corona (fruit), celery in my Bloody Mary (veggies), drink on the bar patio (fresh air), get drunk, tell jokes, and laugh (eliminate stress) and then pass out (rest). The way I see it, if you keep your alcohol levels up flu germs can’t get you!!"

Now with that. I intend to fully live up to this. I will start tonight and give it a try if a few days go by I will continue with the treatments and see if this in fact does help. If I get the Swine Flu than curse you bastard that wrote this article.

Wash Your Hands just to be on the safe side!

Tejas74 (out)

1 comment:

  1. LMAO

    Nice logic. I like it. Maybe I'll try it, too...
