Friday, May 1, 2009

Yellow Pages WTF

Ok so its a nice April afternoon. I just fought traffic on the way home from DownTown Houston. I turn the corner to my house just all happy, pull into my driveway still happy. Then I see it. Yellow Pages WTF.. HUH, thats right a fucking stack of Yellow Page and White page directories on my door step. All piled up and staring at me. WTF i say to myself. And then i make 2 trips and throw the fuckers in the garbage can. Not Recycle but Fucking Garbage. Now I am happy again.

first of all. We have dont lease our phones from the phone company anymore. We dont insert finger and roll number around the dial pad anymore(if you do you should really consider BUYING a new phone. We dont need these fucking books. At minimum you spend the 50 cents and call 1411 and get the fucking number your looking for. That shit is at least updated. The fucking books are outdated before they are even printed, and im not an environmentalist by no means but thats a waste of a lot of fucking paper.

We have this thing called the internet and I challange anyone to find anything in that fucking book faster than i can on the internet with greater accuracy and speed. Not to mention that you find a ton more information that your looking for that you could never get out of a Godamn printed phone book.

If you are the person that leaves this shit on my door step and find your way to reading this. Quit. I dont want them, and more importantly i dont need them for anything. Except ripping them apart and using them as kindling. STOP bringing me these fucking books.




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